
What's this about?

Trabyde (TRAnsfar Between Your DEvices) makes easy to share your texts and photos between your phone and PC browser.

Easy to start

You can easily get started with your regular account. (Apple ID/Google account/Twitter account)

No need to tell us ID, email, passwords...

We will erase your secret

Trabyde will keep your texts and photos only for a week.

It will be completely deleted from the server after a week, so there is no need to worry about your secret being leaked.

Let's get start!

  1. Install the Trabyde app on your mobile device.
    Download app from Apple App Store Download app from Google Play Store
  2. Install the Chrome extension on your desktop.For Windows 10 or later, desktop application is also available.
    Download Trabyde chrome extension Download Trabyde Windows application
  3. Log in to the app and browser extension with the same ID (Apple ID/Google account/Twitter account)
  4. Then you are ready to share!
A web app version is also available!
Trabyde Web app

Service Specification

FeaturesWeb browserApp
Send text messages
Send image files
Send data files -
Maximum size of messagesUp to 5MB
Maximum number of messages100 messages/month
Message retention periodfor 7 days